What Would You Do If You Got a $5k Windfall?

Most folks dream of the day a pile of money suddenly falls into their lap, and while you’d think most people would take that newfound dough and splurge on something huge, a new poll finds most folks are actually more fiscally responsible than that.

A new survey asked 1,000 adults what they would do if they were given $5,000 and folks across all demographic said 48% of the money would go towards savings, while 42% would be spent, and 10% would go to charity.

Among the top things adults would do with that new cash, 63% would put it right into savings, while 55% would use it to pay bills and 41% would put it towards their debt. Other uses for the money include: 

  • Save for retirement (23%)
  • Treat themselves to a vacation (19%)
  • Pay for a car (14%)
  • Save for education/college (14%)

Source: Street Insider

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