What is Your Biggest Modern Day Peeves?

Thanks to technology, there are a lot of modern conveniences that make our daily lives better, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have things to complain about.

A new UK survey, which could easily translate here, asked folks to reveal their biggest gripes about modern society, and the responses ran the gamut from a phone battery dying to people taking up more than one seat on the train, to cancelled or late trains to drilling on a Saturday morning.

But the biggest modern gripe seems to be a pretty simple one – people not listening to you. Coming in second was people pushing in line, followed by someone not saying please or thank you.

Top Ten Modern Gripes(click here to see all the gripes on the list)

  1. People not listening to you
  2. People pushing into a line
  3. Someone who doesn't say please/thank you
  4. People thinking rules don't apply to them
  5. Splashing your favorite top/jeans with something
  6. People eating loudly/sloppily
  7. Lateness
  8. Drivers who don't stop at a cross walk
  9. Washing clothes with a tissue in the pocket
  10. Paying to withdraw cash

Source: SWNS Digital

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