Beer, Wine, and Chocolate Will Help You Live Longer

There are some foods you should absolutely avoid if you’re trying out a clean eating diet – like red meat, fizzy drinks, ready-made pasta sauce, and processed baked goods. But clean eating doesn’t have to be all boring. Sure, up your fruit and vegetable game, but you should include some “unhealthy” staples – ones that help you live longer.

Beer, red wine, and chocolate are rich in useful antioxidants that could actually help you out when it comes to living longer. But be careful – no ones telling you to go guzzle wine and stuff your face with chocolate. These things all need to be consumed in moderation to have the beneficial effects – because yes, there IS too much of a good thing!

Regular diets of anti-inflammatory foods can really kick your body into gear when it comes to functioning to its best ability. Do your body a solid and buy the bottle! 

Source: Metro

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