Things You Should Never Talk About With Your Coworkers

If you work full time, you know how important it is to get along with your coworkers. And as much as you want to be buddy-buddy with these people, you have to be careful what you mention around them. You could be super close with someone at work, and they still might not be the best person to discuss certain matters with. Here are some examples:


  • Hating your last job – You don’t want to be caught trashing one of your previous jobs to someone you currently work with. It just looks bad.
  • You political views – If you can keep politics out of the office, absolutely do it. You don’t want to muddy any waters.
  • Hunting for a new job – If your current job isn’t the one for you, don’t go around talking about it to other coworkers. You never know who they’ll let that info slip to.
  • Medical issues – People in a work environment don’t often know how to react to your more serious medical issues.
  • Your personal relationships – Don’t go gushing about the guy you’ve been seeing in the lunch room. There are more tasteful ways to discuss these things.
  • Complaints about other coworkers – You may be friends with the person you’re confiding in, but you never know who they’ll talk to.
  • Criticism of the company – Just because you disagree with things the company does, doesn’t mean you should go blabbing about it to everyone you work with.


Appropriate work relationships are important, and while it’s great that you’ve found your “work wife/hubs” and are able to shoot the crap with someone in the office, you have to be really careful about the tea you spill to coworkers. Leave the office banter to a minimum, and save the juicy stuff for happy hour…with your friends!

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