Yep, Your Parents Are Eating Your Halloween Candy!

While plenty of kids are probably excited to get all dressed up and beg for candy tomorrow, it turns out plenty of parents are likely just as excited, because they have every intention of chowing down on their kids’ trick or treating bounty.

A new poll finds that 86% of parents admit to eating their kids’ Halloween candy, with the average parent consuming at least a quarter of their kids’ haul, and 44% saying they will eat more candy then their kids this Halloween.

And parents aren’t the only adults indulging in Halloween treats. In fact, 73% of adults say they buy more candy than they’ll need so they can eat the leftovers. What's more, 40% of adults say they like Halloween more than when they were kids, with 37% saying it’s because they can eat as much Halloween candy as they like.

  • But while parents may eat as many Halloween treats as they want, they aren’t as freewheeling when it comes to their kids. The poll finds that 63% of parents restrict their kids to a limited number of pieces per day, with 29% hiding the candy, and 26% exchanging the stash for small toys or gifts.

Source: SWNS Digital

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