There’s something we’ve been dreaming about ever since we started our five-day weeks in elementary school – three-day weekends, every weekend. It used to be a dream reserved for holidays and common colds on a Monday. But with employers starting to care more and more about the well-being of their employees, more companies are adopting the four-day work week.
The best part? Many of the companies that do this are allowing their employees to choose which day to take off. Fridays proved common, but Wednesdays were the favorite, giving people a “mid-weekend” to look forward to in the middle of their weeks. Not only does the trend allow people a break in their weeks, but it gives people a more realistic time frame to take up their own projects and side hustles.
And seriously? We’re such grinders these days, we’re fitting five days of work into just four days anyway. It’s about time we got paid that way!
Source: Huffington Post