Live Longer By Limiting Your Calorie Intake!

If adding another ten years to your life were as easy as skipping dessert three times a week, would you do it?

A 75 year old discovery about calories is being put front and center again. Back in 1935, Clive McCay began a study on aging and discovered that a low calorie diet helped his lab rats live longer; 33-percent longer to be exact.

It turns out, as other studies since have shown, that calorie restriction is part of our survival response. In times of food scarcity, natural selection kicks in. So, those that learn to eat less survive.

Calorie restriction doesn’t mean dieting, but eating smarter. Last year, a study bolstered these findings by discovering that people who cut calories by 15-percent for two years experienced metabolic changes that resulted in lower cholesterol and blood sugar plus an increase in insulin sensitivity. Those combined slow the aging process.

It turns out the fountain of youth may well be watching those calories.

Source: Psychology Today

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