How To Help Your Neighbors During Self-Isolation!

While everything that’s going on with the coronavirus is scary, and causing some of us to only think about ourselves, there’s a real need for folks to look out for each other. There are plenty of ways you could be helping out your neighbors and loved ones during this crisis, while still staying safe and maintaining social distancing.

They include:

  • Reach out to neighbors and acquaintances – Social distancing can certainly be a lonely time, but just because you can’t be physically near someone, doesn’t mean you can’t reach out. Check in with those you love, especially ones you may think may be having a hard time. A simple phone call or text can do wonders.
  • Ask your neighbors how you can assist them – There are all different ways to help neighbors around you, like maybe offer to go grocery shopping for those who can’t go out. But the important thing is that if you don’t reach out and ask, you won’t know if they need assistance. Reach out by leaving notes for neighbors, or maybe start a social media group where folks can ask or offer help.
  • Leave a note on door or front lawn – if you have elderly neighbors who may not know how to use social media, leave a note where they can see it to let them know you’re willing to help out if they need something. Include your contact information so they can get in touch with you.
  • Disinfect wherever you can – If you go out disinfect surfaces where you can. Not only will it be good for you, but it will be help others from being infected.
  • Don’t over shop – While it’s easy to feel the urge to pick up as much stuff as possible in the store, think of others. Yes you should buy more than necessary to avoid having to go to the store too often, but don’t go crazy and leave nothing for anyone else.
  • Leave out boxes of books and magazines – Plenty of people will be bored at home all day, so offer up some reading material you don’t need anymore. Just be sure to disinfect them when you bring them back inside.
  • And of course, stay inside – As much as possible, stay inside in order to help flatten the curve and not pass on the virus to anyone else. 

Source: Apartment Therapy

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