On Your Next Zoom Call Try These Ice Breakers!

It can feel awkward talking during or just attending large virtual meetings. That’s where icebreakers come in.

The simple questions get everyone to participate and feel a sense community. The icebreakers can be as simple as these:

  • Poll questions. Try favorite ice cream flavors, Netflix shows, or anything not divisive.
  • How much longer do we think this will last? Taking bets on when all of this will end can be a funny way of getting the conversation going.
  • Who's tired of these Zoom calls?
  • Who has pajamas on right now?
  • Let's play Zoom I-Spy.
  • Everyone get to know the person "next to" them.
  • Let's play social distancing Bingo.
  • Let's go around and say one fun fact each.
  • Show and tell.
  • Play Name Tag.

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