Here's How To Keep Your Relationship Strong During This Pandemic!

Even the healthiest relationships are being challenged by the stress caused by the pandemic. The combo of working from home, not being able to blow off steam in your usual way, and spending more time than usual with your partner can take its toll on couples. But these tips from relationship experts can help break-up proof your relationship during COVID-19.

  • Make time for quick connections - Just because you’re together all the time doesn’t mean you really “see” each other. Make sure to take time to check in with your partner to reconnect.
  • Create quarantine ground rules - It’s important to set some expectations for how to deal with being under the same roof 24/7. To avoid getting snippy in the heat of the moment, Lifestyle coach Karen Elizaga advises sitting down with your S.O. to discuss a plan for how to deal with household duties.
  • Take me time - We all need to have some alone time to regroup, so even if that means you have to hide in the bathroom because it’s the only private space you have, do it.
  • Reframe your thoughts about housework - When you’re both at home and sharing your space to work in, things can get messy fast. You and your partner may have had different ideas about tidiness before, but when you spent most of your day out of the house, it wasn’t as much of a big deal. Now may be the time to get on the same page about the acceptable level of cleanliness so you can live in harmony.
  • Forgive and forget - Elizaga reminds us that these are crazy times and we’re not our typical selves and she recommends trying to shrug off insensitive comments from your sweetie, rather than take it personally.
  • Laugh whenever possible - Relationship expert Susan Winter reminds us that having a sense of humor is essential in a relationship.
  • Keep appearances up - It’s so easy to wear the same pair of comfy leggings on repeat, but something as simple as getting dressed up for each other - even when you’re just in the house - can help create visual attraction, according to Winter.
  • Recharge your relationship with something new - Try to break up the monotony of binge-watching Netflix on the couch by finding something new you both enjoy. Winter explains that long-term relationships need new input to keep them fresh and your partnership growing.

Source: People

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