These Fitness Trends Are Set To Explode in 2021

Some people didn’t take a day off of their workout routine since the pandemic hit. That person is named The Rock...Meanwhile, the rest of us are easing back into our workout routines. Here are some of the biggest trends we can look forward to in 2021.

  • Outdoor Fitness. The vaccine rollout seems to be going well but the fitness experts believe everyone will still be playing it safe and keeping their sweat in the great outdoors. Kinsey Livingston from the fitness app ClassPasssays they saw a “400% increase in the number of outdoor classes being offered by studios.” And while it slowed down a bit in the winter, it’s starting to pick up once again.
  • Fitness dates. The founder of Jemma’s Health HubJemma Thomasfully expects couples to make up for lost date nights by taking “a walk/run or fitness class together” this year. Fall in love and lose some pounds at the same time. How is this not a reality show yet?
  • Interactive Fitness Mirrors. By now you’ve seen a commercial for at least one fitness mirror brand and don’t expect that to stop anytime soon. The experts are predicting those to have a great year in sales. And so does Lululemon. They just acquired Mirrorlast year and they’re just one of about ten different fitness mirror companies on the market now.

Check out more fitness trends expected to pop in 2021HERE.


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