What Are Your Favorite "Simple Pleasures?"

Even though we miss going to huge, over-the-top events, the fact is we don’t need too much to make our day. In fact, a new study has found exactly which “simple pleasures” we love the most.

But before digging into the list, here is the bad news. The majority of people don’t feel like they get to enjoy life’s simplest pleasures enough. A little over 60% of the survey said they’re just far too busy, 40% blamed work, and 39% said being a parent has robbed them of being able to enjoy even the smallest of things.And here we thought by all their Instagram that their little bundle of joy was all they needed…

Without further ado, let’s get into the top-10 simple pleasures. And when we say simple,we really meansimple.

  1. Listening to your favorite songs
  2. A nice dinner
  3. Watching your favorite movie
  4. Finishing a really good book
  5. Doing exercise
  6. Spotting a species of bird you’ve never seen before
  7. Seeing flowers and trees blossom
  8. Wearing an outfit that makes you feel good
  9. Home cooking
  10. A match on a dating site

Source:Study Finds

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