How To Know If You Should Start Looking For a New Job!

It seems like half of America is feeling restless on the job, but there are surefire signs that you should probably look for a new one.

While the actual digits on the paycheck make a difference, Real Simple has come up with a checklist that goes a lot further, like:

Your mental and physical health are suffering. If you notice you're having trouble concentrating, feeling anxious or depressed about work, it may well be time to find a less stressful gig.

There's no room for advancement. Maybe your bosses keep overlooking you for a promotion. Or maybe you work for a really small business that only has a few employees. If you want to go further, you may have to go elsewhere.

Your workload has increased, pay hasn't. If you find yourself buried in countless projects that were not part of your job before, it may be time to have a sit-down with your boss. 

You aren't being used to your full potential. "Overqualified" is a buzzword, but the concept is real. If you're stuck in a job that bores you and doesn't take advantage of your skills, it's time to move on.

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