It's Important To Have a Work Friend!

Where you work is one of the easiest places to meet friends as an adult. In fact, experts say having a work bestie can help you thrive. The friendships we create in the workplace can be “vital to one’s career success”, but how does that even work with a lot of us working remotely now? Truthfully having a work friend in 2022 can be considered a “precious resource.”

Here are some of the benefits of having at least one friend at work:

  • Happiness. If you’re more engaged in where you work, you’re more than likely going to be happier, and having a friend by your side can get you there.
  • Motivation. It’s the same idea as having a workout buddy. They’re there to keep you accountable and inspire you to do your best.
  • Productivity. Sure your friend could be a distraction at work be they can also be a form of support who helps you get things done.
  • Creativity. If you’ve wondered why some directors hire the same actors for movies, it’s because there’s a chemistry there which inspires creativity.

Here are two of the best tips for making work friends:

  • Be intentional. No one is going to send you a friend request via work email (although that would be nice) so you have to go out of your way to be friendly with your coworkers. Let them know you’re there to also connect and meet people. Otherwise, it might not happen naturally.
  • Be consistent. Any type of relationship takes time to build. Ask them to join you on a weekly coffee date or make it a point to grab lunch together.

Source: Forbes

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