President Trump is again voicing opposition to the national Common Core education initiative and vowing to return control of schools to the states. Speaking to a group of CEOs about the country's business climate, Trump praised charter schools and said education can't be managed from Washington, DC.
He said the country must get rid of Common Core and return education to the state level. He also promised that under Education Secretary Betsy DeVos more money will be spent and experts will be utilized to improve the country's educational system.
How many of his constituents agree with him is a question as President Trump's approval rating continues to drop in a new poll. The latest Quinnipiac [[kwin-IP-pee-ack]] University poll shows just 35% of those surveyed approve of the President's performance, while 57 percent disapprove. The approval rating is down two points from a week ago, and six points lower than a March 7th poll.
- The latest survey found several of Trump's personality traits lacking with the public. Sixty-six percent say Trump is not level-headed, and 61-percent don't feel he's honest. Fifty-seven percent say Trump doesn't care about average Americans. Read the complete poll results HERE.
Source: The White House