We Were There!

School Kids, Bent Back, Magnolia Thunderpussy, Peaches, Singing Dog, Buzzards Nest, Used Kids, Swallens, Colleen's, RTO, Gold Circle, Pat's, Woolworth, Recordland, Servex...

We Were There.

Spending hours flipping through albums to find our favorite band, song or obscure "Only Available in Australia" cut. 

We Were There. 

Searching the "Cut Out" Bins for a deal or a mistake by the store manager. 

We Were There.

A few times a month when our allowance came in or we collected our paper routes. Sometimes weekly because we figured out a way to have lunch money leftover from the week. Or may-be daily because it was our "Hangout." 

We Were There.

Always hoping to make a new friend who was into "the same stuff" we were or may-be to meet Tommy Shaw or JY or Gary, cuz "nobody talks with his guitar like Gary do!" 

We Were There. 

Then we found it and rushed home. Into our rooms to our stereo where the turntable waited. Then we chilled hoping Mom or Dad wouldn't tell us to turn it down or ask how we got money for "another record!" 

We Were There.

The record store. A place our children may never get to experience but we'll never forget.

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