Did you notice that once you and your hubby tied the knot, your man’s waistline began to creep up? Well, apparently you're not alone because a new study reveals that married men tend to be heavier than single dudes.
The study, from the University of Bath, finds that the average married man weighed two and a half pounds more than their single counterparts, with weight increasing not only after saying “I Do,” but after having their first child.
So, why are married men chubbier? Well, one answer is pretty simple, single men stay in shape in order to attract women, but once "caught" there’s no need. The study’s author Dr. Joanna Syrda notes that guys still looking for a mate have “higher incentives and exert more effort to stay fit.” Syrda also suggests men in relationships are heavier because they “eat more regular meals and/or richer and denser foods due to social obligations, which may arise because of marriage.”
And if those married men want to lose weight, they may want to ditch their spouses. The study finds that men’s BMIs go down just before and after divorce. Of course, they could just go on a diet.
Source: New York Post