Relationships are tough, and no matter how much you love each other you’re bound to get into some fights here or there. And it seems one of the biggest topics of arguments is likely money.
A new survey by The Cashlorette finds that 48% of folks in a committed relationship argue over finances. One of the biggest sources of financial fights is spending, with 60% of people saying they argue over someone spending either too much or too little.
Meanwhile, the survey also finds that financial disagreements can start pretty early on in a relationship, like say at the first date. Men and women have distinctly different opinions on who should pick up the tab for that first meeting, with 46% of women expecting the other person to pay, versus 2% of men. Women are also more likely to say the bill should be split (37% vs. 9%). But in general it seems most men do believe they should be picking up the tab, with 85% of them saying they pay the bill themselves as compared to only 8% of women.
As for how much that date should cost, well it apparently depends. Men say an average of $90 is a good amount, while women aren’t that far off at $84. Older Millennials and GenX-ers are twice as likely to say a median of $100 is appropriate than younger Millennials, Baby Boomers or the Silent Generation.
Source: The Cashelorette