Ask any working mother and they’ll tell you it isn’t easy juggling a career and family. If they’re lucky they have a company that’s understanding of the difficulties they face raising a family while holding down a job, and a new report reveals which companies are the best at just that.
“Working Mother” just came out with their annual list of the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers. The magazine based their list on factors like leave policies, workforce representation, benefits, childcare, advancement programs, flexibility programs and more. When it comes to leave, the 100 best companies offer an average of 10 weeks, with the absolute best of the best offering an average of 15.
While the list of 100 isn’t ranked in numerical order, the magazine did single out ten companies they consider the best of the best (although they are also not specifically ranked).
The Ten Best Companies For Working Mothers(CLICK HERE for the entire list of 100)
- Bank of America
- Deloitte
- Ernst & Young
- Johnson & Johnson
- McKinsey & Co.
- Prudential Financial
- PwC
- Unilever
- Zoetis
Source: Working Mother