Holiday time means travel time. You’ll be going somewhere during the season, but do you have your pets taken care of?
Instead of stressing out about what to do with your pet while you celebrate with friends and family, take a breath and make a plan. Every animal is different, so you’ll know if hiring a pet sitter or boarding Spot and Fluffy is a good thing.
Maybe you are going to take the furbabies along. We’ve got you covered there too. Before you make those plans, check our list of tips to prepare.
- Know your animal. Make sure you choose the option best for them, not you.
- Pack for your pets. Take their shot records and other necessities.
- Make plenty of stops. If driving with a pet, stop for their convenience
- Find a pet-friendly place. Whether they’re on the road trip or home, research where they’ll be staying. If boarding, do a heavy background check.
- Keep stress levels low.
Source: Bustle