Once we’ve sold our souls to the world of full-time jobs, we want to make sure we’re really feeling the best we can when we’re buried in paperwork and office projects. Jobs are jobs no matter how you cut it, so you want to be on you’re A-game when it comes to being happy at the office. Here are some things to remember when it comes to being happy at work:
- Put your professional development first and figure out how you can grow and learn in your job.
- Figure out what motivates you and use that to keep you going towards your goals.
- Do “energy audits” and nail down how you can be well-rested for your job every day.
- Take 10 to 15 minute breaks whenever you can.
- Keep a “smile file” of all of your accomplishments and favorite compliments you receive.
- Remind yourself why you took the job in the first place.
- Be disciplined about sleep and a work/life balance.
- Turn yourself off at the end of the day so you’re not working 24/7.
- Build your network so you have a collection of relationships in your professional life.
- Limit time with negative coworkers so the Negative Nancies in your office can’t bring you down.
- Talk to your boss more often so you have a good relationship with them.
Going to work is just another way of saying you’ll be spending your day at a desk, typing emails and biting your tongue. If you’re going to invest time into keeping your relationships with people healthy, you should probably treat your relationship with your job the same way.
Source: Business Insider