Want a job that pays really well and has low stress and great work-life balance? Become an orthodontist. According to research by U.S. News, orthodontics, a career that pays an average of $229,380 per year, has both low stress and high levels of work-life balance. Why? Unlike others in the health care field, orthodontists generally don’t have to deal with medical emergencies and they have the flexibility to set their own hours. (Market Watch)
We’re uncomfortable dealing with and talking about our finances. How uncomfortable? A survey found that 16 percent of Americans would rather sit and watch a steamy sex scene with their parents than sit and tell them about their biggest financial mistake. Yikes. Here are some other things Americans would rather do that deal with money issues:
- 32% would rather go to the DMV than work on a financial plan.
- 20% would rather spend an hour in jail than come up with a five-year financial plan.
- 34% would rather spend an hour in traffic than go over their money issues with a financial advisor.
- 26% would rather talk politics with somebody they disagree with than write a financial plan with a family member.
- 47% would rather drink orange juice after brushing their teeth than reveal their biggest money secret to a friend.
- 34% would rather post their most embarrassing photo of themselves on social media than post a screenshot of their account balances. (SWNS)
Get your Insta kicks … on Route 66. A new survey by Hertz has named Route 66 as the most “Instagram-worthy” road trip. Second most popular was the drive through the Grand Canyon parks. Pacific Highway Coast came in third. The survey also found that 56 percent of respondents named the U.S. as the road trip capital of the world.
More results:
- More than two-thirds of Millennials said the locations they see on Instagram affect their choice of places to visit, compared to just 13 percent of adults over 38.
- 30 percent of Millennials said they were unlikely to visit somewhere if they had never seen photos of it on Instagram.
- 36 percent of Millennials said they would have a hard time remembering their trip if they didn't post photos of it, compared to 19 percent of those over the age of 38.
- 1 in 10 Millennials admitted to visiting somewhere just because they wanted to share it on Instagram. (Independent)
So, Buttered Popcorn Oreos are a thing … Yep, according to Instagram’s @thejunkfoodaisle, limited-edition Buttered Popcorn Oreos are coming soon. Apparently they taste similar to "everyone's least favorite Jelly Belly [the popcorn-flavored Jelly Belly] – but better." Yum? (Delish)