Paul James

Paul James

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If You Want To Lose Weight Just Write It Down!

Keeping a record of what you eat and drink is one of the most effective weight-loss techniques. I truly believe it too. I've used the app MyFitnessPal for awhile and it's been the most successful way to lose weight, BUT you must be honest with it and yourself, or it won't work.

It's also not as time-consuming as you might think. A study out of the Universities of Vermont and South Carolina found that keeping a log of intake, that means portion sizes, can help people shed those pound and fend off risks like heart disease and type two diabetes.

The team found that after six months, people who had lost 10 percent of their body weight were spending just 15 minutes a day recording what they put in their mouths. The results were published in the journal Obesity.

How does it work? You see what you eat. You can use and app or do it the old fashioned way with a journal. If you don’t want to do alone, just ask for a logging buddy.

Source: Consumer Affairs

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