These days, especially with a lot of folks forced to stay at home, the dining room table is getting a lot of use, and not just for eating meals together.
A new survey finds:
- 25% of families consider the dining room table the heart of the home.
- 30% say they have the majority of conversations around it.
- The average dining room table hosts 572 conversations, 1,456 meals and 468 jokes each year.
- It also has hosts 57 disagreements, and 72 special moments.
And with folks following stay-at-home orders, the dining room table is being used for way more than meals right now.
- Folks are spending 28 hours a week using the dining room table for homeschooling and as a workspace for parents.
- The top uses for the dining room table during lockdown include:
- Children’s classroom
- Lunch break table
- Parent’s workspace
- The place to play games
- Partner’s workspace
- A place to have video calls
- A place to bake
- The place to catch up with friends via calls/video
- The place to stream live online school lessons
- The place to stream live workouts
- On a positive note, 44% of families say they are eating more meals together now that they are under lockdown.
- 36% say they feel closer to relatives.
- 32% believe they are being kinder to one another.
Source: SWNS Digital