If you have kids, you’ve probably experienced the battle that dinner time can become when a kid refuses to eat what’s been served.
So parents come up with different strategies - aka LIES - to get picky and stubborn eaters to actually eat. Someone asked the parenting section of Reddit, “Is it bad to lie about what is in a dish in order to get a kid to eat it?”
And hundreds of parents have weighed in with their thoughts on rebranding what’s on the menu:
● “I love the fun names trick. I successfully branded chili as ‘cowboy chili’ after a book that had cowboys eating out of an ambiguous pot, and my 4 year old now LOVES it.”
● “A lady I know used to tell her kids that she was making ‘golden fluff’ for breakfast because they insisted they hated scrambled eggs. Golden fluff was their favorite. But scrambled eggs? Yuck.”
● “I have a picky eater too and I will mention the things the kid likes in the dish and omit the things they don't like.”
● “My step son told me he didn't like green onions (says he hates all onions), so I started calling them scallions. He loves them, and I'm not technically lying”
● “My kids don't like curry. But they like chicken, rice, and ‘sauce.’”
● “In our house, broccoli is also known as dino trees, because otherwise my preschooler won't touch it.”
● “Telling your child tonight's meal is ‘pizza chicken’ and not chicken parmesan is about survival.”
● “If you have to rename rice ‘baby pasta’ or call roasted potatoes ‘French fry balls,’ then so be it.
● “Tonight, my picky eater, who professes to HATE any form of squash, happily ate zucchini when I gave her its name in French.”
● “I do this to my husband too. ‘What are the green flecks in the lasagna?’ ‘Oh, just seasoning, herbs, you know’ I certainly didn't blitz up a fat wad of spinach with the ricotta or anything.”
● “I’ve been adding spinach, carrots, zucchini, and a host of other offensive foods to my children’s meals since they started on solids. Spinach brownies? Don’t mind if I do. Zucchini cookies? I’ll have 5. Carrots shredded into every red sauce I’ve ever made? 100%”